tropicana ~ life is a kaleidoscope
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Of Berries and Orchid

Nothing announces the arrival of summer like the beautiful, luscious berries screaming "Pick me, pick me" from the market stalls. And so I ended up with a packet each of huge blueberries and strawberries.

The blueberries, I made them into muffins with cinnamon streusel topping. The gooey mess of the berries combined with a subtle hint of cinnamon is a delight.

Then I made a batch of vanilla cupcake with strawberry buttercream frosting using an ingredient I have never used before - vanilla pod. Vanilla is the only edible fruit of the orchid family and it's something that is hard to get in Malaysia and finally, I've managed to lay my hand on one - it's like discovering the G-spot in baking. The smell is just heavenly!

The cupcake is so pink I decided
to name it Miss Dior Cherie Cupcake

See the black specks? Those are vanilla seeds.

I went slightly crazy with the vanilla, using them not only in the cupcakes but for the frosting as well. Hey, a girl's gotta make up for lost time, right?

Half a pod is still sitting in the fridge. Vanilla milkshake, anyone?

1 curtsies received:

How is the life DIana ? missing ur posts.

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