tropicana ~ life is a kaleidoscope
Join The Princess in her journey of a plethora of changing colours and patterns

Of Imagination Runs Wild

Hyatt Regency in Osaka is very kinky. How else do you explain this?

Placed on the wall opposite the bed, fancy having female orifice staring at you the whole time.

It's actually a painting of flower

Bought some strawberries in Osaka and they're the juiciest and sweetest I had in a while. Strawberries are so sensual, no? Small little, shining red hearts, they stain your lips luscious red and leave you with a sweet breath. And the way you eat it, holding the steam and biting the end - tres sexy. Heck, they even go well with sensual foods like chocolate, whipped cream and champagne. No wonder strawberries are thought to be aphrodisiac.

Now doesn't that makes you want to run to the grocer and grab a bunch of strawberries?
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