tropicana ~ life is a kaleidoscope
Join The Princess in her journey of a plethora of changing colours and patterns

Of Book Of Life

We used to share the same chapters of our lives. Some were filled with pleasant memories and wonderful times. Some with poignant moments and turbulent rides. Some are filled with fierce passion and fervour . Some with painful heartache and antagonism. Nevertheless, it was a good story.

Today, you start a new chapter in your life. Fresh, blank pages for yours to fill. Imagine the possibilities!

May it be littered with many happy stories and blessed events. May it be filled with soaring tales of courageous achievement and gallant adventures. May it be bound with well-wishes and blessings from loved ones.

Today, I start a new chapter in my life too. Fresh, blank pages for mine to fill. Imagine the possibilities!

May it be littered with many happy stories and blessed events. May it be filled with soaring tales of courageous achievement and gallant adventures. May it be bound with well-wishes and blessings from loved ones. But, above all, may it be intertwined with your story as you have become a too-important person to be left out in my story.

And one day, when we peered open our ever growing books and delved into those chapters, we could look back and say "Damn, that was a good one!"
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